By Username - 06/06/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I just bought a car with all of my own money. Then, when I brought it home my dad informed me that my mom will be driving it to work every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 700
You deserved it 4 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redmnky21 8

you tell your dad no she wont... its your car u bought it with ur money... unless she's going to make the insurance payments on it for u and full cover it so if she wrecks it she replaces it

Midnite_2raw 5

If you want to get even report it stolen.


tell your dad he's a piece of garbage for doing that, and grow some nutts to say no!

BULLSHIT she would if it were my car i'd leave b4 she had to leave 4 work or i'd just move out all together even if i had to live in my car.

bri_bri2013 0

what the hell???!!! that's so not fair! tell it dad to go **** himself. I'm sure that if u had enough money for a car of ur own, he should have enough for one for ur mom

welcome to life. get over it and move on.

I avoided that by buying a manual transmission, lifting it, and giving it huge tires. after that neither of my parents would drive my Jeep.

she needs to be paying you for the car then. insurance, gas, everything. or you should tell them hell no.

same thing happened to me they said "well do you want to pay rent and buy your own food?"

sure would if I were 18 at the time if I were under 18 I would have reported them to DSS for neglect and have had myself sent to a family members house that didn't expect repayment for them raising a child they chose to bring into this world.....SMDH and if your parents did this to you I am hoping that you left and have never been back and never treat your children that way

I would have been like THE HELL YOU ARE