By lessinterestingthanadog - 08/11/2009 05:28 - United States

Today, I invited the guy I've been seeing to my home for the first time. He spent over an hour talking to my twelve-year-old dog. Occasionally he would look up to ask me a question, but when I answered he would just continue talking to the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 295
You deserved it 3 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

At least he didn't spend that hour barking at your dog.


joemk2012 0

Try taking your **** out, see which of you he's more interested in then

soraXme33 0

lol. what did he talk to your dog about??

ydi its not his fault u werent keepinq his attention... somebody didnt qet laid ! munchiie :p

Egotistical 0

Shit next time don't be so borinq or put your doq in another room somewhere.NOTHING can break up a guy and a dog:B

Badboy6 5
mandypandypants 4

I know what you mean. I was hanging out with a guy I liked and for 7 hours straight he talked about his family and when he did all kinds of drugs. I couldn't even tell him I had to leave because he wouldn't let me talk.

I'm sorry.... that's horrible! He's DEFINITELY NOT a keeper. I'm sorry you picked a weirdo. Fyl.