By lizim353 - 22/07/2016 03:40 - United Kingdom - Saint Andrews

Today, I had to make a choice between being kept awake by the heat, or the cackling seagulls outside my window. I still don't know what's worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 733
You deserved it 1 291

lizim353 tells us more.

OP here. You're exactly right, it's like a humid and muggy kind of heat, even in Scotland... :')


Ugh i feel your pain mate, the ****** seagulls are the worst.

Maybe get a decent room fan if you can afford the electric bill, and would probably be much safer than having to leave your window open, plus you could make your room/house much cooler than opening the window would, or just spend 5 bucks on a decent pair of ear plugs

I work night shifts and get heat + All the birds chirping away + traffic + lawn mowers+the one time you forget to put your phone on silent etc etc

Your sentence is confusing. Why would you choose either? How would you choose heat or seagulls anyway? Are you trying to say that you can't decide which annoyance is more disturbing to your sleep?

um, maybe A/C? or a fan? just trying to provide some more easy options.

how is this a choice? if you're awake by the heat or by the noise, you're awake.