By 16seconds - 08/02/2010 01:56 - United States

Today, I had to buy a wrist splint for my carpal tunnel syndrome. Not because I'm a computer programmer or some hot shot web designer but because I spend ALL of my time playing Solitaire on my laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 886
You deserved it 33 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Solitaire?! Have you never heard of Minesweeper?

sure solitaire. bet thats just what he told his mom he was doing on his laptop ;)


drilher244 0

#13 U R A.......B. I. T. C. H. !!

I'm pretty sure "hot shot web designer" is an oxymoron.

Cold shot web designer is good then? or what about: Cold shot web destroyer, is that an oxymoron too?

If "playing Solitaire" is a euphemism for "fapping", then yeah, I can see why you have carpal tunnel.

If you don't want to get carpal tunnel syndrome from playing solitaire all day long, then you really should not be playing solitaire all day long.

hi dumbass. no one asks for carpal tunnel syndrome. i'm sure if he knew that would result, he wouldn't play it.

go and find an online game way better . fi feel ba for vous

boredtotears 0

oh im sure you got that from "solitare" must suck being only 16 seconds eh?

blackman21_fml 0

I think you just ********** too much