By GrannyAt22 - 22/06/2010 01:28 - Canada

Today, I had to buy a wrist brace for a repetitive strain injury. I got the injury because I was knitting too much. I'm 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 928
You deserved it 26 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BluPenguin 3

"knitting".. is that what they call it now?

Sounds like your in (puts on glasses) quite the knot! YYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!


I don't see how this is an fml unless it's so bad it's going to stop you from knitting because you obviously enjoy it. ydi

You must be using nicer yarn than I did back when I hurt myself from knitting too much. I literally knit until my fingers bled because the coarse yarn wore my skin thin. ;)

1.get a life who knits these days? 2. if it's causing constant problems stop doing it. ya fyl my ass

lmao.. OP must have a " very intersting life," spending her Saturdays alone knitting socks-- OP you need to get out more

As a fellow knitter, I sympathize with you. I'm surprised MY wrists aren't in pain from all of my knitting.

I get major hand cramps when I crochet with thread. Sucks.

annnnnnnnnd you must have incredible forearm strength :D

knitting? so THAT'S what they're calling it nowadays.

OMG ! you totally don't have a freakin life .