By Shortround - 30/09/2012 12:56 - United States - Wheaton

Today, I had three things stolen: my phone, my iPod, and my girlfriend. All by the same guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 181
You deserved it 2 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Phone = iPhone iPod = iPhone Girlfriend = iPhone?


Should have bought an iPhone 5. Maybe your girlfriend would have stayed for the extra inch.

ruinerx 1

And you're doing what about this? That's about a $1000 worth of electronics which could land him some legal trouble and you get the last laugh.

loccsta83 5

Grow a spine and get the phone and ipod back!

yourmofo 6

A desert eagle .50 cal can get the two back, why need the third.

Get your stuff back if you really want it.

meebeericky 1
shann2u2 5

I'd be pissed about my iPhone and iPad. The girlfriend...find one who isn't a cheating *****. Ur better off. Now he can be her next victim!

Wow, I would be pissed off at him. Tell that ***** and the dickbag to go **** themselves and report your stuff stolen to the police.

At least your girlfriend is replaceable.