By Hugh_Jankles - 08/01/2010 18:48 - United States

Today, I had the sudden urge to sneeze as I was wiping my ass. Out of instinct, I used my hand to cover my mouth. I never let go of the toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 264
You deserved it 37 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Congrats on getting shitfaced without taking a single drink! Your liver thanks you.


lakelife 0

Ahahahaha that's sooooo awesome!!!!

YDI for sneezing into your hand, i hate when people do that, its just plain nasty

Hahahaha xD I'm on the shitter right now also :p

LegendofZelda88 8

ur supposed to sneeze into your arm, lol it would've prevented your unfortunate accident. FYL tho..

I'd say that's a shitty situation