By TallGal - 14/09/2012 08:26 - United States - Tucson

Today, I had a date with a guy from the Internet. I'm 6ft1, which tends to put potential dates off, so I'd slyly knocked a few inches off my description. Turns out he'd done the same. He'd added a whole foot to his height. I had to crouch to talk to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 821
You deserved it 14 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's too bad I can't believe people tell tall tales like that

I see Tom Cruise is back on the dating circuit.


...Your point? You sound like you are judging him because he was short, but you don't like being judged for being tall, right?

taytaytay44 1

I understand how you feel. I'm 6'1 too but.. But I'm 15..

gaarraa11 3

I'm 6"3 il be tall enough for you :)

What a surprise a lieing woman with size issues o wait thats all women.....

that's brilliant, I wish my wife was so much taller than me.

Sounds like you really got short changed...

PetPetAngel 2

It's probably for the best that you guys aren't going out on a second date. If the both of you can't even be truthful about your height, there's no telling what other sorts of lies you'll tell each other.

I'd be so excited if I were him. Line of site would be amazing.