By the_pheasant66 - 26/06/2010 10:31 - Ireland

Today, I got my eyebrow pierced. When I got home to show my family, my little sister said, "That's so fake!" and tore it off my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 121
You deserved it 11 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Babushka_Homyak 10

What the **** is wrong with your sister?

ArtIsResistance7 1

That's when you grab her face skin and rip it off, leaving only bone and muscle. "Hey, what do you know, your face was fake too!"


JokeMeister 0

You can kill siblings, it's in the official rule book, pg. 38. seriously.

roaraylay 0

I think 138 solved the raccoon puzzle.

101 whyy are you stalkking him in the first place?! and honestlyy does it reallyy matter it's his life soo fuckk off he's happyy everyyone is entitled to at least that ... wait I thinkk it's the one where she ripped the racoon off cuz she thought it was fake lol

Hamsterzilla 0

29: I hope u know that about every teen these days has a piercing on their face. I'm getting snakebites soon(: hate on that, bitch!


thats what you get you idiot, thats why you dont put shit in your face, piercings are fugly as shit and you deserved every bit of it

147, I hope you know that you're incorrect. studies have shown that only 26% of all teens have facial piercings. Also, you are an ignorant douche.

haha I thought it said he pierced his elbow :P