By summinay - 12/11/2011 08:30 - United States

Today, I got married. About five minutes after I got my huge wedding dress on, I had to pee. It took three people to help me not pee on my dress, and my bridesmaids took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 079
You deserved it 10 460

summinay tells us more.

Guys, my dress wasn't elaborately big. It just has many layers. And yeah I've already laughed about it. Haha.

Top comments

Always pee before you put your dress on! Even if you think you don't have to go! Best advice I was given on my wedding day...


It'll be something you can look back on and laugh about. And, you know who truly cares about you.

As someone who had to wear an elaborate outfit for a special event today, I can sympathize. My first thought once all the pieces were finally in place was "I hope I won't have to pee for the next five hours." I was much luckier than you, it seems.

your friends are sounding funny, LMAF.. no worries; one day you will laugh as hard as we do now :)

That is exactly why they have adult diapers.....

roxyelizabeth 3

Haha I know lots of people that have the bride in the bathroom photo. It's not a big deal.

lexielou07 18

didn't your mommy ever teach you to go potty before ?

FMLsOhilarious 6

Well those pictures will certainly hold some nice memories.

drpepperholik 1

That's the way it always is, before putting on the dress you're fine, even if you've had nothing to drink but as soon a you get it on you have to pee like you drank a gallon of water.

JessicaSki 12

By your 5th wedding anniversary you will love that picture. :)