By misstree - 07/09/2009 08:23 - Singapore

Today, I got annoyed with my mum stopping in her tracks each time she needed to reply to a text message. I tried to show her that you can walk and text at the same time. I ended up falling into a drain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 483
You deserved it 54 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyspark 6

I'm sorry for saying this, but that must have been funny to watch. I hope you're okay, though.


my mom does exactly the same thing! she even has to stop when she's speaking or reading a text message.

YDI for not watching where ur walking YDI for doing it in public YDI because ur such an impatient person need I go on?

doing it in public? Do you really need to hide your text messaging from the world? It's not gross, so who cares?

It gets annoying when people burst out in laughter in the middle of the road

sublime93 0

You definitely stole that from what really happened a few days ago, because i highly doubt that OP is the girl from the news.

I agree, your life sucks(0) Who cares? (1)

I can't even begin to tell you how much you deserved it OP.

semmita 0

FAKE there was a whole story about it on the news a girl was texting and fell in a manwhole

wow it almost looks like you said she fell in a manwhore LOL!!

ilikeu12 0

Def fake her mom would of scene her walking towards a open drain a mile away

eritha 0

well, it is singapore after all. i live in singapore. and sometimes, the drains are just so darn unexpected. or the sidewalks are just too narrow.