By Anonymous - 28/12/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, I got a call from a girl I fell madly in love with 8 years ago. She disappeared from my life with no trace. Turns out she just finalized her divorce, has 2 wild kids, packed on 75 lbs, has $25,000 in debt and is taking meds to keep from going crazy. Now she wants me back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 230
You deserved it 3 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saucey12 1

please tell me you changed your number or put a block....


dude247 0

How is this an FML? The satisfaction I'd get from telling her no would make my day.

perdix 29

Today, you learned the difference between love and lust. FYL. It's easy to "love" a woman who is hot, sane, childless and debt-free. But when those things are gone, if her return is your FML, then you just lusted after her. If you really loved her, you'd pay off her debt, put her on a diet and exercise plan to get her in shape and give her plenty of love and sex, and then maybe the meds would be less necessary.

It does not work that way. All you have to do is try and start/stop ONE personal habit. We ALL know how difficult that is. Now, determine in your mind that you are going to change multiple habits in SOMEONE else.... Enough said.

girlygirl666 0

Perdix? Please tell me you're not serious! FarSide- for once I agree with you.

perdix 29

Yes, girlygirl, I am joking (mostly exaggerating in this case). It would be quite quixotic for a guy to take on a woman with so many serious problems. I regard as more of a humor site than an advice site (or a big group hug.)

I'll agree with you guys about it being difficult to cope with someone full of bad habits and mental instability, but this FML really does sound like he "loved" the chick when she was hot and full of money, and now that that's gone, his feelings for her suddenly evaporated.

I can see that he did love her, otherwise he wouldn't really care. however, i can see his point, because he loves her still, but he doesn't know if she is worth all that extra trouble. personally, i'm not sure she's worth it, but if you loved her for her, and not for her being hot, and debt-free, and childless, then it's worth it. but when you take away that, what is left? that's a hard decision.

infantry831 0

take her back know one is perfect. you suck kick rocks. I hope you have a kid with her

no way man... get out out of there!! 

liveitupx 0

There's people saying that this isn't an FML, but really think about it. He fell in love with a girl. When you really love someone, you want whatever is best for them, even if it means they aren't in your life anymore. The OP might not want revenge, or to "win" as #23 said. But to find out that someone you really care about's life is completely messed up, thats a fml.

Finally a sensible comment. I totally agree with you.

That is sad, but it is NOT FML. If you think that it is an FML too, then YOU have a symptom of co-dependency. See your counselor.

What's your problem? You define someone with such sympathy as a patient and tell him/her to go see a counselor ?

I understand most of you 12 yr olds haven't gone through this yet, but how is this not one? you go love someone for 8 years then have your dreams shattered like that and you'll b f'in y l so hard.

thighsofglory 0

We're not all 12. OP, you feel that breeze? It's from the bullet you dodged. If you want to feel all noble and whatnot there are actual charities that could use your help. You might even meet someone as nice as you seem to be while volunteering. This broad won't lose the weight, won't quit spending money, will start spending your money, and her wild children will hate you. Not only that, she comes with an ex-husband who may just be worse than her, but he'll have to know where you live so he can visit his kids. And she'll probably be grateful to you for all of three months, at the outside. From there on out she'll treat you like dogshit because that's what she always thought of you. It's not a new story.

Skullcrusher 5