By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 592
You deserved it 58 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


shadow_duv 0

I don't blame the cops, a lot of the time when someone opens the door they attack them. Still I hope you got enough time to explain it before he cuffed and/or shot you.

nikki1001 0

What the hell kind of cheap tinting crap did you get that you thought rolling down the window would ruin it? I've seen it done before and rolling down the window helps ensure it's on properly.... That cop was smart. They don't know who you are, what you're like, if you're holding or that you just got some cheap tint job and were too scared to ruin it. He was thinking, oh crap, this guy could potentially kill me, better protect myself. Everyone knows that...except you I guess.

to everyone who says not to roll down the windows right after they're tinted, listen to yourself it makes absolutely no sense if the tint was put on there like it was supposed to without bubbles and scratches in the first place, then it's good to go. it's like gluing something, so i would guess that after about 30-60 minutes it would be absolutely fine to roll windows up and down.

justfienne 12

Well slap a lab coat on this one 'cause he is obviously an expert! You've just outsmarted all of us...

If I was a cop in the USA, I'd be paranoid too. YDI.

g_m_j 0

even if you did spook the cop, he doesnt have the authority to swear at you... irrelevant but true if you did somehow get a ticket...could be useful

dude, totally FYL on this one. i drive a 98 cavalier, and one of its many "lovable quirks" is the fact that the two front windows have broken motors. i've had them mechanically sealed, so they won't open while i'm driving. i've gotten pulled over once in missouri, and the cop was cool, but now that i've moved to la, i fully expect to have a gun in my face at some point. oh well, they're just doing their job. but still, it's not like i'm getting out of my car. i'm just sitting there. so **** the ******* pigs ;)

Tough call. I got 35 in the front 2 windows and 19% in the back 2, 35% being the "limit". I figured (and was even told so by a guy that works on cars) the back 2 wouldn't matter because I'd be the subject of their interest and be in the front, but I learned otherwise when my $150 speeding ticket became $400. Depending on the state, 20% could be illegal, and even if it isn't you should have been driving extra careful to ensure this situation wouldn't happen. If you were to open the door you should have done it before he even left the car and put your hands out first to let him know you didn't have bad intentions. YDI man

ohhhhshizzz 0

#44: and people & cops like you, are the exact reasons people get killed. People die because of cops who act before they know what happened or what happening. Cops have gotten too untrusting and then they get let off easily when they kill an innocent. I'm not saying they don't have a right and a reason to be, but they react unnecessarily[sp?] sometimes and it causes things like that. And who cares about tinted windows, maybe the OP doesn't like the sun or people watching them. I know I really don't like when people in other cars look. Or hey, maybe its a guy and his girlfriend likes to give him roadhead a lot so he needs tinted windows..... But yeah, FYL/YDI. You shouldn't have worried about the windows really.

zomgitsbrilol 0

lol you cannot get out of the car when a cop pulls you over unless they ask