By you fucking idiot - 19/12/2013 17:20 - United States - Union

Today, I found out the money my husband's been funneling from our bank account wasn't for drugs or gifts for another girl like I thought. It was for a guy he stupidly believed was a foreign diplomat, who supposedly needed to bribe officials in order to send us several million dollars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 474
You deserved it 4 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay, OP. You'll soon have that money back, plus millions. You just have to wait for the guy to be able to leave the refugee camp, and you're all set.

Foreign diplomat? Wow, your husband must really be a fool. Now if you excuse me, a Nigerian prince is asking me if I can lend him a couple of thousands.


Wow, I can't believe people still fall for that stuff. FYL Op, hopefully it wasn't too much money.

So... it's OK if he's using it for drugs or presents for another girl?

I am Nigerian, and even down here you have to be extra vigilant to avoid falling prey to this guys, there is one who has been calling me lately, he even knows my name, how? I don't know.

And this is why I do not share a bank account with anyone. And I do mean anyone. My husband didn't know I opened an account until after I came back from the bank where he wasn't even aware I was going lol.

J15237 25

At least he is only a dumb ass instead of a cheater right? I mean this shouldn’t ruin your marriage at all. Just cost your husband control in the banking department.