By S.Bunny - 22/01/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, I found out that when you hit the neighbor's dog with your car, they might chase you a mile with a shotgun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 971
You deserved it 44 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cwark 0

So you got chased by a shotgun-wielding dog?

Saccharide 0

FYL, OP. Next time pay attention to the road?


what?? a dog chased you with a shotgun? HOW CAN THIS BE????

and clearly he shot you. well done neighbour and better luck next time with choosing a smarter dog

yourlifesfucked 0

hey morons! ITS A ******* DOG! u guys want to kill him for hitting a DOG? im not saying animals are worthless nd u should abuse em but seriously? its people like YOU who join hypocritical groups like PETA. lets promote fair treatment of animals by threatening people who eat meat with physical violence! geniuses. please go there and kindly crawl in a hole and die

CheshireHalli 19
twilitchaser15 0

i bet that guy shot your ass.

heartlessagony 0

You're a dumb piece of shit. People like you are the reason I like animals more than people. With that in mind, OP did nothing wrong.

yourlifesfucked 0

who bds, me? go to that website and read it urself

xvolcom893x 0

honestly that's so sad I'm depressed a little I mean not the part of you almost being shot...I only care about the dog shame shame shame on you