By LeaveTheGuyAlone - 29/07/2013 00:18 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I found out that my girlfriend hasn't really been "researching" for work on the Internet; she's actually been tweeting the same pathetic plea to a guy from One Direction asking him to "follow" her. She's 29. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 470
You deserved it 5 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

I think your relationship is going in the wrong direction.

Sucks OP. it's probably just a phase, she'll get over it. (I Hope) make sure she eventually tries to get a job


Those dudes might be going in One Direction, but it sure as hell isn't straight

Whenever preteens complain about their favorite celebrities not following them or tweeting them, I always think, "WELL MY FAN LETTERS TO NSYNC WERE NEVER ANSWERED AND WE DIDN'T HAVE SOCIAL NETWORKING BACK THEN, SO QUIT YOUR BITCHIN'". Surely at the age of 29 she would understand that?

Hahaha sry I love one direction but I don't do that she'll eventually realize they won't follow her and stop hahahahaha sry can't stop laughing

I hate those people lol. Every single famous person on twitter gets tweets like that from desperate people

Yikes! I'm a lot younger than her and I'm a directioner. I watch a lot of kids my age bombard them with tweets, but I've never heard of anyone her age doing it! That's a bit creepy.

Cindy_Smiles 12

everyone has their fangirling phase.. some late than others