By gng2fckngkilluyoufckngfckr - 03/08/2012 18:31 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me. I also found out that my best friend knew about it all along. When I confronted him, he tried to justify the betrayal by saying that she paid him to keep quiet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 446
You deserved it 1 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I understand if she paid him. (sarcastic of course.)

Sound like you'll be a friend and girlfriend short after this. But that's just one less thing you'll have to worry about.


i think its time for you to find another girlfriend and another best friend

Atleast he didn't say "hey I told u she was a ****" and slept with her just to prove it to u.

she didnt love u, and u didnt hav a best friend. best friends dont keep that shit from eachother, otherwise where is the trust and respect in the friendship

Are you sure he was actually trying to justify doing that by telling you she paid him? Maybe he was just explaining his actions without expecting you to be cool with it afterwards.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Has anyone seen OP's username? O.o

mercymedical 6

30- "Going to ******* kill you, you ******* ******?" Nice to see OP's dealing with his anger in a mentally healthy manner. ;P

Yeah! Wtf.. I guess I he kinda has a right to think that. A liiiiitle harsh though. Lol

That the weirdest ******* username I've ever seen

flashback.miss 28

Meh, more justifiably angry than weird(although the kill threat can cause some worry and alarm. hopefully he has support to help channel the angry healthfully). FYL OP. move on .

Harsh. You couldn't pay me enough to do something like that to a friend

That's when you take his money and go bar hopping. :)

rcgirl2 11

It sounds like you need a new friend, too.