By sickkid - 23/11/2009 18:05 - United States

Today, I found out that my dad hides his Viagra from my mom by keeping it in an Aspirin container. Now I have a terrible headache and a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 564
You deserved it 67

Top comments

Rico5037 0

you should leave a note in the bottle that says we need to talk lol


I can't believe none of you have heard this joke before.

perdix 29

Which joke? I've heard this one: What do you get when you take Viagra and Rogaine? Don King.

perdix 29

You have to call your girlfriend and say, "Tonight, honey, I have a headache."

I hope you took two or four, as is the common method of taking aspirin.

If It continues (Your erection) Go to an ER like Yesterday aka NOW!!! Cause yes you can have deadly effects like that... DEADLY!!!!

Ah, the deadly boner, claiming many an unfortunate man.

Roflllllll "deadly boners" should be on discovery channel

Remember, if your headache lasts more than four hours, consult your physician.

waterynuggets 0

I say consult a ho. But maybe you could go see a head doctor.

who says boner anymore? I'm not usually not one to care... but I haven't heard that word in months....

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

what word do you use exactly? enlighten me cuz dats da only thing i ever here ppl say

jchansfan 0

lol Gross. Maybe they're using Viagra as a blanket term. are all pills like that blue diamonds? lmao I sure as hell don't know... XD

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

lmfao... thats really funny! (:

Jazzy_bunny_1234 0