By coolcocoxxx - 25/08/2012 06:53 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I found out that my crush didn't remember calling me beautiful, telling me he liked me, or any of the other romantic things he said to me while drunk last night. He did however remember me promising to bake him cookies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 808
You deserved it 3 150

coolcocoxxx tells us more.

For anyone wondering, he didn't get the cookies. And it was before he started flirting with me... His birthday was coming up soo

Top comments

heytrollhey 12

The drunken mind speaks the sober thoughts.

Better get started on those cookies ^_^


jasjnn 4

Chalk another c-block up to alcohol.

That's a start though ... Bake cookies and take it from there. At least you know that deep down he likes you.

Ya, also if they're that drunk their judgement is also impaired. Don't read to far into it.

ninjacow123 6

Well alcohol does bring out the truth, so don't worry about it

Before making anymore references to alcohol and sex in an acceptable way, please be advised that OP is 14years old!!! She commented on one of the earlier posts to reveal this... Places a different spin on the whole thing. YDI for liking a boy that gets drunk at 14 year old, I doubt he is a good bloke.

If she's posting on a website like this, she probably already knows enough. She's 14, not 8. She can handle it and she's most likely heard much worse at school or whatever.

There are only two types of honest people in the world: children, and drunk people.

He is embarrassed to admit it while sober. Remember, what he said while drunk was the truth. So make him those cookies and prepare to hookup :-)

ReturnOfTheRat 6

ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL INTERACTION WITH A MAN m/ honestly though, that's not too bad, you'll get another chance at him when you bring him his cookies.

courtbeth20 1

This EXACT same thing happened to me.