By cowgurl91 - 13/01/2010 21:40 - France

Today, I found out that my boyfriend was going to propose to me about three months ago. I was completely surprised and asked why he didn't. At that time, I had told him to stop looking at me like that and go buy me some damn tacos. I was 2 months pregnant then. Now he wants to wait a couple of years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 255
You deserved it 42 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you blame him for not asking to marry you when you're being rude to him like that? It looks like it hit him hard because he still remembers what you said to him. It's nice to see you guys have a pretty good line of communication, but I wouldn't hold this against him. All the thought was there. If it bums you out so much, maybe you should be the one asking him to marry you.

Sun_Kissed18 25

She said pregnant, not civilized



Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend, so I was looking deep into her eyes to seem romantic. I was about to do it when she said "stop looking at me like that and go get me some damn tacos." I don't think I feel confident enough to try it again. FML

BeforeTheStorm 0

obviously half of you don't know what it's like to have craving and be bitchy at the same time. why don't you try to carry a baby in you and not be pissy, okay?

Maybe that half realizes when they are being bitchy and adjusts to it. It's not as if no one has ever had to deal with the affects of mood swings before.

Well, what do you expect? You acted like a bitch. Hopefully you learned your lesson.

pregnancy can't be the excuse for everything. haha

It doesn't say she was a bitch all the time, just that she snapped at him once. Even if it happened more than once (which is probably a safe bet) that can't possibly be the very first time she's ever done it. How is that enough to change someone's mind about marriage? It seems to me that the incident mentioned is just what stopped him from asking at that moment and that he wants to wait now for other unrelated reasons (money, etc.). Incidentally, I was so sick during my first trimester that I lost over 30 pounds and would wake up in the middle of the night to vomit. I couldn't even keep down water so I was not pleasant to be around. My second trimester mood swings were incredible. I always thought the movies exaggerated the whole hormonal thing but even though I knew I was having a mood swing, I couldn't help myself from having shiny, happy fits of rage. I was literally insane with anger at times. Anyone who says pregnancy is no excuse for one snarky comment has obviously never been pregnancy or was lucky enough to be one of those rare women that "glow" for nine months.

You have mood swings, not Tourette's Syndrome. "I couldn't help myself" in regard to watching your mouth is a load of bullshit. No, you couldn't help the mood swing part, then felt free to be a raging bitch to anyone you spoke to. Like another said, you may not be able to control your anger, but you definitely can control what you say and do. You can be angry without actually being a ****. In fact, one of the things that defines our character very clearly is how we act in the face of conflict, stress, and anger, and given what life usually has in store for others, one's desireability as a partner can and should be heavily influenced by this.

You guys have no idea what it's like to have PMDD and raging hormones clearly so STFU. When you've gone through it come and talk, but until then stop being so ignorant. I'm not saying you're allowed to be an unrestrained bitch but sometimes you say things that you'll regret. You're not rational at that point, everything is inexplicably negative emotions - rage, misery, hopelessness.. You live like that, knowing that you'll feel that way for a week out of every month for at least the next 35 years, and then come talk. OP: I was going to say you were a cow for being so rude to him, but then I realized that being preggers is probably 100X worse than PMDD in terms of raging hormones, so FYL, I know what it's like to be in your shoes.

You'll say things you'll regret... and then have to wait a couples years to get engaged.

More of the "I'm pregnant! I'm supposed to be this way!" bullshit. Irrational behavior is entirely your own doing and not the byproduct of hormones. Hormones do not render you incapable of watching your mouth. You are right about saying things you regret, though. Everyone does, pregnant or not, and they should be able to deal with the consequences of damaging relationships that way (though that's too extreme to be applied to this particular FML and I still think the guy is being a pansy.)

GooberGuy 0


axelkg 0

this is worded so horribly that I literally cannot figure out what it means.

jcpt1984 0

I had twins last year... I never used it as an excuse to snap at people (just in case someone starts talking down to me like I don't know what I'm talking about). If it's not the first time it happened, then it was probably the last straw for him in a string of similar incidents. Either that or he's overly sensitive to get bent out of shape over one incident.