By debiebs - 29/12/2015 12:04 - Brazil - Salvador

Today, I found out that my boyfriend has a Facebook account. He said he didn't have one. Apparently he's not divorced after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 505
You deserved it 2 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well don't jump to conclusions! Maybe he isn't divorced yet but is in the process, divorce takes a long time before its finalized

He might've just meant that he isn't using one since a while. And if that's the case, he wouldn't have changed his relationship status. Not everyone wants to update every ******* life event on social media the moment it occurs


It's possible he doesn't have access to it anymore. My son had that happen to him. He had to make a new one.

I'm sorry your boyfriend is a jerk, I dated someone who thought they were being clever in hiding stuff about themselves from me, likely because they figured I'd reconsider being in a relationship with them if I was fully informed. It's unfair and it's pathetic, you deserve better!

If he lies about an fb account what else could he be lying about... I'd dump him

This is why checking social media is very important when first dating someone. And throughout. Not like a stalker, but casually.

Sorry to hear that but now you can become a lesbian with his wife

PullUpOnAKid 7

this is why you should trust no one.

Maybe you should just ask him about it, asking can save you from overthinking

Why is everyone assuming that OP just saw the relationship status and jumped to conclusions? It could be that there is recent activity that makes it pretty clear he's married.

Because people make mistakes and we don't see any comment about her seeing recent activity. never assume malice when ignorance is possible. I have a friend who says "I don't have a facebook" because he hasn't touched his account in 4 years. and as a result his Facebook status is single despite now being engaged after a 3 year relationship.

#34, you're assuming that she doesn't know how to check for recent activity on it, and that his (supposedly) ex-wife either doesn't have a Facebook account or never changed her own relationship status?

I like how sirrubberduckie or whatever it is is getting down voted on every comment he makes when he's making complete sense and very valid points.

TXlove 6

If you're not my friend you can't see my recent activity.. Or anything past my profile and cover pic my job and my relationship status.

#59, I see that the money transfer did, in fact, go through. I'm pleased! I expect to see a minimum of one supportive comment every time I post.

This could go either way! Good luck op do what you have to do!