By Totallyscrewed - 10/02/2013 05:17 - United States - Stroudsburg

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy this past summer after our son was born and only took one of the two tests. I haven't cheated. He refuses to believe me or get his spunk checked again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 523
You deserved it 3 661

Same thing different taste


ulissey_fml 22

"You see men!" "NO, YOUR semen!" Hopefully, when the source of his mistake is cleared, the new baby will..cement your family a little more.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Just wait till he goes to watch ****

This comment is gold, why is it downvoted!?

You know, sperm are resilient little *******. A vasectomy is only about 98/99% effective.. You just happen to be part of the unlucky 1 or 2%. Show your husband some statistics on vasectomies.

After my mom had me she had her tubes tied, then she had my little brother. Your husband should know that stuff like that is never 100%

DNA test is the solution, as a few people already stated. It is expensieve, that's true, but certainly saving your marriage is worth it. Hopefully your husband will have at least this little trust as to wait a few months for the child to be born (checking it now is possible, but, I guess, still a bit dangerous to the child). Congrats!

dontpanic_fml 32

Really? Because to everyone who's saying this, I don't know if this would be saving the marriage. If the husband has so little trust in his wife that he needs a DNA test to prove she's not cheating (and also has so little knowledge of the vasectomy procedure that he doesn't understand how this could have happened), what exactly will a DNA test save? What is she going to need to prove to him after the paternity issue is resolved?

Well, although I agree that the husband is rather unreasonable and I hope that he'll understand it, it is still quite a tough situation for him - there he thought he cannot have children, and his wife is pregnant. It's no wonder he has his doubts, even though it is entirely possible. We don't have a reason not to trust OP - because, honestly, why would she lie about not cheating in a story told just a bunch of Internet strangers? However, she would have a reason to lie to her husband if she was actually cheating. So, well, being the husband, I would probably like to make the DNA test myself, even though it would've been emotionally painful for the wife - otherwise I'd be wondering for the rest of my life. So, yes, the DNA test may actually help, and may cause the husband to be a little more trusting, since he would be proved wrong.

dontpanic_fml 32

I guess what I mean is, say in the days before DNA testing, a situation like this would need to be worked out between the two people via trust and communication, rather than having hard proof that the woman didn't cheat. The proof makes for a more hollow foundation for faith, and a strong marriage, and although I understand that the husband could understandably feel very strongly that he was cheated on, talking would perhaps bring him around to an understanding and create a deeper bond for both of them than a DNA test could.

This happened to a friend, it's very possible. Congrats on the little one, hope the hubs comes around to get a new test!

perdix 29

Can't you just do a DNA check with the amniocentesis? I hope you're not bluffing about not cheating ;)

perdix 29

I doubt the probable father would object to a cheek smear to check his DNA against the amniotic fluid. If he's old enough to get a vasectomy, the odds are good that she's old enough to make the amnio recommended. It's all guesswork, though.