By YeahItsmecoolhuh - 17/02/2011 06:50 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I found a horde of ants in one of my socks when I put it on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 547
You deserved it 4 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Horde 8

You were lucky. They could have been Alliance ants, and ganked your feet all day [/nerd]

atomicJ 0


why the **** wherethey in ur sock? did u use it to store food for winter?

Why don't u check ur socks before u put them on?????!!!!!???

Sophie_Sovereign 6

From another person who lives in the United Arab Emirates, I can say that the problem is most likely NOT down to personal hygiene. Seeing as most of the city is built on area that used to be desert, ant infestations along with other kinds of insects (Camel Spiders, Praying Mantis's etc) are quite common, as they live in the sand underneath the gardens and houses.

stop letting your little brother jack off into your socks and you won't have this problem.

I think thats because you left your socks somewhere, unwashed, and the ants, having nothing else to do, decided to make a home in a smelly sock. Wash ur socks more often.

mrflyinglemur 0

god. my foot just got all itchy and squeamish!

tawshi 0

wow that really sucks... is your foot ok?