By YeahItsmecoolhuh - 17/02/2011 06:50 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I found a horde of ants in one of my socks when I put it on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 547
You deserved it 4 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Horde 8

You were lucky. They could have been Alliance ants, and ganked your feet all day [/nerd]

atomicJ 0


perdix 29

They were probably protesting government incompetence and corruption. That's pretty popular in that part of the world these days.

Zombies_eat_Nath 0

that gave me a good laugh :) xD

I_R_Genius 3

No no no, it's called "FOR THE SWARM!!!"

i use to live in the UAE and it's pretty clean so its just the OP thats effed up...

hey try washing your socks after you were them and how do you not see them moving

Did they get in your pants and make you do a dance?

JayJayAttackAtta 5
JayJayAttackAtta 5

I kno it. even though I prefer alliance

eeeeew WTF?!? didn't you see an ant trail or why only 1 sock you keep your sugar in there??

bowlgirlxD 0

ew? and that was a clean sock?