By jk2010 - 03/02/2010 17:44 - Israel

Today, I finally removed my car insurance after realizing it costs too much money. Since I then had more money, I went to celebrate with ice cream. On the way, I got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 127
You deserved it 55 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Where I live it's illegal to drive without car insurance.

that was stupid of you - insurance is to cover your ass as well as the other idiots out there!!


dummy shouldnt have deleted ur insurance...thts wat ya get 4 bein cheap!

is Cali the only state that requires insurance?

gazelle_fml 0

that's probablly gods way of saying "wow idiot are u nuts??? get off your smug lazy ass put away the ice cream and get ur insurance back!!" well im just asuming that's what he would say:)

well considering it's illegal NOT to have insurance in Israel I'd have to say this FML is a lie.

If you can't afford insurance you'd probably find you'd save money by selling your car too. Is there no public transport in israel? Do people not have bicycles? Not FYL, f the truck's life cos they have to deal with you instead of an insurance company

i call fake. as in many other countries in the world, in israel its mandatory to have insurance.

marshmallowmouse 0

Yeah, because no one EVER breaks the law!

oh yeah, karma is a bitch. this instance it's more irony than karma, but when she hits, karma can really bitch slap you.

Why is everyone being so mean here? Maybe comprehensive insurance is too expensive, relative to the worth of the guy's car. If you have a crap car, it's often better to get insurance where you're covered against damages to other people's property, but not your own, if you're at fault. If you live in an area, like the area I live in, which has statistically more car thefts than other areas, it's often around a quarter, even half of the car's worth, to pay every year. You don't always have to be insured comprehensively, a lot of the time, it is a complete waste of money. And, before you attack my comment, look up the difference between comprehensive and third party insurance.