By Sarah - 19/10/2010 23:06 - United States

Today, I finally quit the job that I've been complaining about. Before I could tell my husband, he informed me that he had been laid off, and was thankful we still had my income. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 656
You deserved it 17 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didnt you consult your husband before quitting?

At least you had a job! Even if it sucked, in today's economy you should have just sucked it up and looked for something better before you quit. ydi completely.


YDI 100%. You won't get any sympathy for lacking basic communication skills with your husband and quitting a job most likely on a whim (even if you've been complaining). Almost no one likes their job. It's the adult thing to do to either tough it out bc the pay/benefits are great, or find another job. Also, at least hopefully your hubby gets unemployment, cause his petty wife who quit her job won't be getting shit. You're a selfish spouse and you both being jobless, maybe your true colors will come out, and if so, you'll be making another FML post about how your husband left you.

RedPillSucks 31

Right, because the democrats got us into this mess by spending $10billion a month for 8 years, giving $1trillion in tax breaks to the rich, weakening the clean air and clean water rules and relaxing the regulation on the financial sector.

who quits there job before finding a new one! YDI

tiger69 0

in this economy you have to be retarded to just up and quit a job because its "annoying"

YDI for not telling your husband you were quitting your job before you did. Complaining does not mean that you're quitting. You actually need to use the words "I am going to quit my job on X day."

D/A. YDI for not talking with your husband first. I complain all the time, but I'd NEVER quit until I've talked to my husband about it, considering both of us partake in the bill paying.

Exposi 1

Oh, you poor stupid bitch. Didn't your mama ever teach you not to marry a fat, ugly, closeted gay? Honestly, you have to be the DUMBEST bitch I've ever heard of. So, in the words of Mahatma Ghandi, "Go **** yourself, ****".

One of the many reasons why communication is such a vital part of any relationship.

ThinkBlueFoo 0

Two week notice. Helllooooo. You could of done that and retracted it and kept your job and hopefully your husband.