By c - 09/02/2012 00:07

Today, I finally got up the courage to tell my boyfriend of a year and a half that I love him. His response was to start to snore, pretending to be asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 124
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ninjuh_wingman 29

I guess hes just not that into you.


maybe he was sleeping? yeah, no. he doesn't love you.

sammyjanette 17

There's nothing wrong with waiting 1.5 years to be sure of your feelings, but at the same time after a year and a half of dating, a person knows if they love someone or not. And judging by your boyfriend's childish sounds like he does not. He's known you for at least year and a half. He knows your personality, your quirks, your dreams, and all of the stuff that makes you you. If he doesn't love you by now chances are that he never will. :(

Holy shit! One and a half year and you haven't said that you love each other yet? What kind of relationship is that?

iseyixes 18

My bf of ten years does that OP. It's supposed to be "cute" not insulting. It also works when you have a complaint,etc. And if he doesn't tell you with words, I'm sure be lets you know in other ways. Why else would you have stayed with him.

It's really only cute if he's said it before, not if that's the first time she said it to him and that's how he responded. And if he let her know in other ways she probably would've known she loved him sooner....

LulusLemon 8

It took you a year and a half to tell him you love him? wow, FYL

donleischner 0

Next time you might want to establish that near the beginning so you don't waste so much time.

It's past time to dump him and find someone that deserves your love and will love you back!