By Mark - 13/08/2009 22:30 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to approach a girl. I've never done anything like this before. She stared me down, not saying a word, until I felt so little that I just walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 744
You deserved it 8 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you expect her to say something? You walked up to her.

I don't think any of you understand what staring down means. She wasn't looking at him with her head cocked to the side, big round eyes peering innocently out from behind golden curls. If she was staring him down, she knew why he was there, and she wanted him to know how deeply she despised him for trying. I feel for you, OP.


The Mystery Method is a retarded book written by a douche for losers who would like to be douches. If you ever feel the need to buy this god-awful book, I suggest you check out the author, (Erik von Markovik), and watch a few videos of his appallingly rude and pathetic voicemails before moving any further. I really wouldn't suggest it to anyone that I didn't, you know, hate and wish to see fail with women forever. It's full of ideas like the "neg" listed above, and really makes talking to women out to be something akin to rocket science. Really, we're just people, guys. Some of us are bitches, some of us aren't. Some of us will play retarded mind games, (like your von Markovik and his "mystery method"), some of us won't. It's not that complicated. But if you go into it with the "Mystery Method" in mind, you will only at best come out single or with an unintelligent girl with severe self-esteem issues.


ydi for not getting in her pants

Also, something tells me you, (and most guys, honestly), really aren't smart enough to disguise a "neg" so well that an intelligent woman wouldn't recognize it right off the bat. It's pretty easy to tell the difference between when someone is being sincere and when someone is playing games with you, (that is, if the woman has half a brain - but that's not exactly the kind of woman you're looking for with that method, is it?).

FlaminYawn 0

Another WEAK FML. Boo hoo, you got stared at by a girl, a real life ******. Boo hoo you walked away just because she looked at you. I don't know what's weaker, you or the FML. Shit, the people that voted for this are weak, too.

Oh Jesus Christ man! I understand the OP is probably young, but come on, this is not a FML! MLIA, maybe, FML, no way.

cactus_fml 0

Awe, I'm sorry. She's a bitch if you talked to her and she just stared at you. If you just walked up and stared at her than I really can't say I blame her, but I doubt that's what happened. You'll meet a better girl. :D

Hey, good for you for working the balls up to approach a girl. Now do it again. And again. And again. It'll get easier every time, and you'll meet nice girls along the way too.

my god u actually took the time to write all this?

LOL - sad thing is that idiot jocks who follow all those "rules" may get the girls in their 20s but then they get fat and bald and the girls realise they're idiots and leave them and take all their money and shack up with new, younger, fit jocks; leaving the old sad jocks to rot away. Sweet little nervous geeks grow up, get confident, have a soul and a personality and end up in happy relationships. Thus endeth the lesson children