By Inod - 07/07/2009 14:31 - United States

Today, I finally got a Wii Fit to try and lose some weight. I came home and set it all up, only to be told that I weigh too much to actually use it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 396
You deserved it 88

Inod tells us more.

Inod 0

I'm the OP, decided to make an account... Reason I put on so much weight is cause I had a car run up my leg by a 16 year old bitch who was too busy chatting on her phone to even notice she hit me. So after my broken foot, ankle, and leg "healed", I got to go through the process of starting rehab on all the torn stuff in my ankle. 18 months later, I can walk again with only a slight limp. Yay! Believe me, I'd love to be able to go out for a walk or hit the gym but some days (rainy days especally) going from bed to the bathroom is a chore and any kind of incline or decline hurts still. And I didn't know I was over 330 when I got to the store (got a scale too, 334... what a bitch, huh?) so that was a huge shock. Obviously I know I was overweight, but not this bad. Thanks to like the 10 people with kind words... the rest of you enjoy your summer, high school starts back up in about 8 weeks.

Top comments

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Wii Fit is not something made to help you lose weight, it's made to help you STAY in shape or tone up. If you weigh too much to use it you need a personal trainer not a video game. I'll take it if you aren't using it though. It's been raining here for weeks I could use an indoor tone up :D

lissygirl 0


You still have an incentive to lose weight. It just won't be as fun as you originally thought.

Inked2009 0

YDI for being to lazy to work out the old fashion way.

curryndricegirll 0

wtf? i bet you're the idiot that tells anorexics YDI for being too lazy to lose weight the traditional way.

I thought eating less (and exercising more) is the normal way :S

you found some more motivation to lose weight then... but i find WiiFit is better for balance than actually working out.

YDI for not checking the maximum weight capacity before you bought it. And YDI for having a Wii instead of a real video game console, like an Xbox 360.

He might have a "real" game console too, or maybe he isn't a serious gamer. *eyeroll*

Are you retarded XBOX pwns PS3 bad! Xbox has better games. (Forza 3, Crackdown 2, Gears of War:Dark Cornors, Left 4 Dead 2, Halo:ODST) Xbox has better entertainment. (HD Movies, Netflix) Xbox has better sales for a reason. (PS3 22.2 million- Xbox 360 30 million) The Beatles: Rock Band " And, for the first time, players will be able to download music and make a change: Available only on Xbox 360" AND as for the OP you deserve it for thinking a video game will make you skinny.

the xbox is better for anything interactive or online. the ps3 is better if you want to watch films in a supposedly better format (i cant tell) or if you want to have a slightly better looking console. its really not that hard to loose weight, DONT EAT!!!!!!!!!!

CousinSkeeter 0

Who the hell said anything about PS3?!

Just FYI...I stopped reading anything you had to say as soon as I came across the word "pwns." You would stop using dumb internet sayings if you knew how uneducated it makes you seem. I don't think I'm alone on this one...

Who gives a crap about what console someone else thinks is the best. Shut the **** up! I'm sick of seeing this argument everywhere- different consoles suit different people so what you think is the best doesn't mean it's the best for everyone. Sheesh, fanboys need to do something more productive and leave this petty argument be. And to OP you deserve it. There must have been a point before now that you thought "Hm I should do something about my weight." 300lbs is a lot and doesn't appear overnight, you should have done something about it long ago. Unless of course that you are really tall then that's just unlucky. Then its FYL. Either way, at least your trying to do something about it and I hope that goes well.

wii has better sales than xbox 360 and ps3. If you want to lose weight try heroin or AIDS

dudemitch 0

i bet he does have a real console...hence him being too ******* fat to use a wii fit

Kylias 6

I have a 360 and a Wii. Guess which one isn't giving me an error message? :]

ShadowTheDumbass 10

It is the best Mario/FML illustration.

fyourlife33 0

get off your lazy ass and go run or walk outside, and you could have gotten a gym membership for the price of the game.... ydi for trying a video game to lose weight

Um, a gym membership is **way** more expensive than Wii Fit. And way less fun, at that. I'm a little confused, though, OP - I'm pretty heavy too (but have the excuse of being six and a half feet tall) and am definitely in the habit of checking the weight limit on anything I'm going to sit, stand, or lay on. Scales, hammocks, lawn chairs...the first thing I looked for when considering getting Wii Fit (before playing a friend's and learning that it was useless at actually helping me get in shape) was the weight limit. Did it really not occur to you to check?

i got a gym membership for a dollar xD and it's 10 a month, and i live in nyc. and it has machines for every part of the body. and weights, it was a special though. hard to find something that cheap here. but i see what you mean

I pay 20 a month (about) for a gym membership. Thats what, 240 dollars? So you're wrong. A year gym membership is not only CHEAPER than the Wii console alone, but you spend more on a wii to do less for more money. Your logic doesn't work. There are almost ALWAYS gym specials going on. And the gym can be fun. Saying the gym is more expensive than a wii is just an excuse. People spend thousands on games and consoles a year. I'll spend less than 500 on a gym in a year and be in better shape than wii fit will ever get me. Nice try though.

Well, my logic assumed that you already had a Wii. And I happen to go to a gym myself - the normal rate at this gym is (apparently as exorbitant as I had thought) something like $60/month, and there was definitely not a special other than me being a student at the time when I signed up (getting me half that rate). I should mention that I don't have Wii Fit myself because I agree that it's a terrible way to lose weight. Just advocating the Devil here. :-) And the only reason I enjoy the gym at all is because of the iPhone that I bring, otherwise it'd be the most boring damn thing ever.

Have you checked out Nikes new fitness application for the iphone. I mean its not NEW but newish? Nike Training is what it is called I believe. I haven't actually usd it (although I did DL it) but Its pretty cool. It gives you 20 minutes worth of exercise and has videos to help show you what specifically you should do. It counts the time for you and then tracks your progress. Im thinking it would actually be a fantastic tool to use AT the gym if there is an empty room or a station thats dedicated to strength training without a machine.

curryndricegirll 0

get off your lazy ass and get a real life instead of being an ass to people on the internet

Ur an asshole. I bet he didn't send his fml to get even more Sorry.

Just run every where I have a friend who was a fattie and he started running everywhere he went and now hes ripped and runs marathons like every other week and YDI for being THAT fat

nah his names Sam and hes way more ripped than me i play soccer so i was aways fit but not muscular


lol I play soccer too and I have a fair bit of least in my legs haha

magnetic_aura 26

I was totally with you and going to give your comment a thumbs up... Until your last sentence. Unnecessarily cruel.

coldplaylive2003 0

try buying an xbox or ps3 so you don't have that problem and don't have to worry about losing weight

And what the hell is that supposed to accomplish? o.O

shewasalmost18 0

why play wii fit? you would probably bring snacks to the TV anyway

Wii fit is actually a great way to lose weight, my parents use it and have each lost about 15-20 pounds on it

It's great for toning. But for people who are actually obese and not just a little over weight 15-20 pounds isn't a lot.

TheUnnamedOne 0