By Yikes - 27/09/2016 04:34 - United States - Cumberland

Today, I finally found the single flaw in my perfect boyfriend. It's herpes. Genital herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 950
You deserved it 1 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, it herpes. I mean happens. I'm on my way out.

No human being is perfect, there's always something, not usually an unsightly and painful STD, but something.. Hope you get yourself checked out/taken care of OP.


00arak00 11

Like 90 percent of people will get herpes before they are 30. Most only have like a bump or two less obvious than a little sit. Herpes as you think you know it is an abstence scare tactic

00arak00 11

Like 90 percent of people will get herpes before they are 30. Most only have like a bump or two less obvious than a little sit. Herpes as you think you know it is an abstence scare tactic

Be safe, and it's not a deal breaker, you don't know how he got it firstly and it's treatable (to keep at bay)... definitely a talk you need to have with him none the less, if you think this is a long time relationship :)

take charge of your herpes outbreaks with Valtrex! you'll find that you'll also be able to take up kayaking, hiking and many other outdoor activities u couldn't do before taking Valtrex

I know people with herpes. The virus is manageable and you can be intimate without contracting it yourself. However, it will affect your sex life and you have to determine whether his other traits outweigh that fact.

Herpes is nothing to worry about. 90% of the entire world population has some form of herpes. Most people carry it but don't even know it, and go their entire life without a flare up. All Herpes does is give you annoying red bumps, but they don't hurt or itch they just look weird. If he had another partner before you he got it from them and never knew it. Also if you had another partner before your new bf you could have already had it and never knew it.

Well your first mistake was thinking he was perfect. Nobody is perfect. Everyone has flaws.

I mean, yeah, that sucks, but herpes is really just a minor skin affliction and there are multiple ways to prevent the spread. I suggest doing some of your own research. While it might not be great to contract, at least it's not deadly.