By failedparenting - 07/09/2016 16:44 - United States - Bronx

Today, I figured out why I have been feeling so drowsy and lethargic for the past week. My daughter had been slipping sleeping pills into my coffee as payback for taking her phone away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 839
You deserved it 1 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to put the hammer down. On her phone. Repeatedly!

Your daughter sounds like she needs to learn some lessons about maturity. I suggest you find a way to deal with this before she steps up her game to something more harmful.


I might have to kill my child if they tried that!

Mortoli 30

thats really dangerous i hope you werent driving or operating heavy machinery... you should really talk to your kid about this driving while under those pills could end up killing you. lock your pills up and give punishment where due. seriously

I'm a parent and I can see just how horrible this is for you. No matter what your history is with your child, they have gone way too far! If anything had happened to you, your daughter could have been looking at attempted murder (or murder) charges - it's THAT serious. The best parenting in the world will not protect you from a sociopath or psychopathic child. Whether this is the result of diagnosed emotional problems or she's been getting into drugs or other self destructive activities, you can't help her while she is actively victimizing you. If she is old enough or has somewhere she can go, then make her move out immediately! She's already had 18+ years to learn to respect you (at least enough to not try and kill you) so this is a matter of personal safety. If she wants to get counselling or other kinds of help, you can still be there for her - just not in the same house. If she is underage then call the police and or child protective services and have her put into foster care. If you are the one paying the bill, then keep the phone or destroy it so she can't rack up a massive bill to ruin your credit and punish you that way. If you can change it to her name or she is already paying the bill then give the phone back to her - but only as long as she agrees to move out. Give yourself (and her) some time to cool off by enforcing no contact for at least a month before even thinking of trying to fix this.

everyone is so angry here. she could have done worse guys. this is tame.

Actually this is a felony that could have ended in OP's death

ViviMage 38

This is second degree assault!

Tame op could have fallen asleep behind the wheel and died

FYL for sure. if my child did that, her phone would be the least of her worries.. she would still have her door and bed but she would kiss the door knob, books, tv, radio, computer, and any wall decor good bye. her room but be a bed and some clothes. that's it.

As a teenager growing up in this day and age, I can say that taking away her phone really isn't cool. Phones are a teenager's portal to social interaction, and taking it away will usually lead to disruption in the flow of their life and other people's. She was out of line to do that, and I'm not telling you how to raise your kids, but taking away her phone is more superficially disruptive than it seems.

At this point, it does not matter what the OP took or why. Any person who thinks something this dangerous and potentially fatal (what if OP fell asleep while driving and got killed?) is a valid response to not getting their way has some serious mental problems that need to be dealt with. This wasn't even a one time thing - her daughter did it for a whole week. By the end of the first day it's no longer anger driving your actions yet her daughter still did it in spite of having time to think about what the risks to her mother might be.

Beat your ******* kid (obviously not to the point where it's child abuse but still). Teach them that their actions sure as hell have consequences.

ViviMage 38

Please do not wait for YOUR DUI offense as her idea of getting back at you. She is endangering your life like that!

ViviMage 38

Legally, It is second degree assault in NYS: gives a drug or substance to someone without that person’s consent (and for non-medical purposes), with the intent to cause stupor, unconsciousness or other physical impairment or injury. Get a lawyer.