By 43_clothespins_later - 21/11/2013 00:12 - United States - Richmond

Today, I fell asleep at my bus stop following a long day at work. I woke up to a homeless man giggling after he had clipped dozens of clothespins to my clothes, shoes, and hair in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 670
You deserved it 7 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yikes sleeping at a bus stop! You're lucky this homeless guy was harmless and had a sense of humour! You could have been robbed or worse so easily. Try not to fall asleep in such an exposed public place again...

JMichael 25

And this is why I don't fall asleep in public areas.

this is just plain funny, simple what a homeless man could laugh at

Haha homeless and still has an awesome sense of humor!!

perdix 29

I'm freaked out that a homeless guy has so many clothespins! Was this some Good Samaritan's idea of charity? Was their motto, "Give a man a clothespin, he'll dry clothes for a day, but give a man a bunch of clothespins and hilarity will ensue!"?

Homeless people are people too. They have a sense I humour. Hope you gave him change or lunch :)

SwtCherryPie 26

I wish I didn't have to vote on this one. I don't think YDI or FYL. I think it's just funny.

perdix 29

#54, you do not have to vote. According to the rock band, Rush, "if you choose not to decide, at least you've made a choice." This isn't Saddam Hussein's Iraq where failing to vote was a capital crime.

everton99 16

As weird as that sounds he could have done so much worse. Although it was creepy, be thankful he didn't urinate on you, or sexually harass you in some way.