By 43_clothespins_later - 21/11/2013 00:12 - United States - Richmond

Today, I fell asleep at my bus stop following a long day at work. I woke up to a homeless man giggling after he had clipped dozens of clothespins to my clothes, shoes, and hair in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 670
You deserved it 7 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments


figures101 5

You fell asleep in a very unsafe environment to a homeless man giggling...oh I can't count the ways it could have been worse.

I would have been weirded out but I would then have rocked the "costume" thanked the dude and marched away as fast as I could.

That's what you do when you don't have cable tv.

43 clothes pins and counting? He's not a homeless, he's a Clothes Pin pay up!

Each clothes pins represent his victims. >:)

He has pinned you. I think that means you're taken.

Harmless fun. To the homeless man and an outsider, that is.

Sophie_Hart 9

Awwww thos just shows how homeless can have as mich or even more fun than others who think they have eveything. OP im not saying you have everything but that is hillarious haha

At least he didn't harm you. Homeless people are people too.. they like to have a bit of fun sometimes! I should know.... *hides clothespin collection*

Haha...bless both of you. That's awesome. Aren't you glad you weren't robbed? If your sleep is that deep you would make an easy victim. Just be careful next time or just don't sit down next time ;)