By Lepisma - 26/06/2013 07:19 - United States - College Station

Today, I faced my severe phobia of spiders in order to remove a rather large one from my home. After 20 minutes of desperate struggling, it was finally taken care of. Relieved, I sat down and glanced across the hallway just in time to see a second, equally large spider strutting across the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 397
You deserved it 4 353

Lepisma tells us more.

I usually handle smaller spiders okay unless they surprise me, but these guys were big. This happened at about 1 am last night and my housemate was asleep, so a vacuum was not an option. I did use big spray. In fact, I nailed the first one three times and it shrugged it off like a BAMF (it was a Texan spider, after all). I actually already have a cat - two, in fact. They were very interested in the spiders, but I didn't want them to get bitten, so I didn't let them get close enough to attack. I finally got the first one in a cup with a lid and filled that sucker up with the bug spray. That worked! Then I saw the second one and about died, myself. It ended up under a cup eventually, too, and met Mr. Shoe. Thanks for the suggestions, though - they made me laugh!


puzzy 13

Raid is definitely my savior.

jilaire 2

Hey guys, just so you know, spiders taste through their feet so citrus oils are really great for keeping them from coming into your home. I put lemon polish all around my patio door whenever it's open and rarely see the creepy little things inside the house.

You are brave for doing that and even more for not killing the spider. I have a phobia of roaches so bad I get panic attacks if I see one and my panic attacks trigger my asthma. Next time try and find someone to help you get them out the house. At least you tried your best :)

Nevermind that. I read your reply and you killed them. I know you're afraid of them, but spiders are really useful against other pests :/

If they're outside I'll shoo them off (or have someone else do it, rather), but when they're in my space it depends on how "nice" they are. If they're jumping at me, my courtesy goes out the window and they don't. :/

josiemorehouse 12

OP kudos to you for getting the first one. That sucks about the second one. Unfortunately that means there are more. Time to call your local Orkin or Terminix guy!! I have severe arachnophobia, I can't even look at a picture of a spider without having a panic attack. I keep industrial-strength spray that the exterminator leaves with me, that stuff is strong and does the trick, but I have to get the hubby to spray. Usually I'm crippled with fear and panic, end up freezing and hyperventilating when I see one of those 8 legged spawns of satan. PS for those who like to give people crap about being afraid: google black widows and brown recluse spiders. I live in the south, those suckers are EVERYWHERE!! And dangerous!!! Sorry OP, good luck getting the demon family out!!!

I don't believe you have a phobia, a type of anxiety disorder. A phobia is a strong, irrational fear which may have prevented the person from taking any action or an irrational action. The actions you took seem rational and may indicate that you simply dislike spiders.

I have had instances where I hyperventilate and black out. I walked through a web once and ended up halfway down the street before I "came to" and realized where I was. Thank you for your opinion, though.

mrperspire 4

I have a fear of spiders too, and to fight my fear, I just kill spiders where ever i see them.

WonkeyDonkey 10

Remember: Where there's one, there's many! Hubbys terrified of spiders. We get hundreds of huntsmen's up at the farm. They started off breeding in the caravan and by the time we packed to leave they were crawling all over the car windscreen into the side mirror casing and in the actual car itself! They must of been hiding amongst our stuff. Good luck with it all OP!