By RawrSparkle - 21/09/2012 07:31 - United States - Davis

Today, I dropped a whole batch of penis-shaped cookies on the floor. Then I thought, "5-second rule" and started eating them. And then I realized that I was home alone, in pajamas, eating broken dick-cookies off the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 114
You deserved it 14 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lifeh8sme2 11

I'm more curious as to why you had penis-shaped cookies.

ohcoolstorybro 14


OP, you forgot you also have remnants all over your face and chest.

The real question is why do you have penis shaped cookies in the first place

jadaDbailey 1

Okay this is hilarious I'm sorry

I do wonder: why were the cookies shaped like a penis?

PhishloverA 14

LMAO!!!! Why were the cookies dick-shaped anyway?