By xpxp2002 - 27/05/2009 09:48 - United States

Today, I dreamed that I met this beautiful girl at a restaurant and we ended up having lunch together. Everything was going perfect until the end when I tried to get her number and she wouldn't give it to me. I can't even get a girl in my dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 583
You deserved it 6 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scaredofgirls 0

dude the same thing happened to me but in real life

Cabezilla 9

I guess when girls say "In your dreams" that doesn't apply to you.


Haha, yeah dreams suck sometimes. You got off easy though; that actually happened to me in real life back in HS, i was talking to this girl I met in town and we were speaking online and in person during school, we had even gone to a movie together but then when I asked for her digits she said she couldnt give them to me. My real life and your dream are so similar it's almost scary, WTF?

Bloodrush 0

This is probably a good sign that you should try picking up men instead and try the life of the gay...

that sucks, but keep in mind that dreams often play out our insecurities. this probably just means that you're very preoccupied with the fear of being rejected. if you are then you'll have better luck in the real world than in any of your dreams.

#4 "women like two things: Confidence and danger." Danger? Seriously? You are so obviously a guy.

cpatrick820 3

I'm getting pretty sick of these "Oh woah is me!" FML's. I only care about unfortunate situations, not this self-loathing bullshit.

stop wasting our time with your bullshit. grow up lose some weight get some game and stop bitching about it.

likeduhhx4 0

it was only a dream and dreams don't come true.

Frankly, I think this says a lot about what you think of yourself. I never started getting girls until I believed in my heart and soul that I could. Maybe you don't believe in yourself. Build your confidence by pushing yourself out of you boundaries. It helped me a ton.

LOL @ #36. You just reminded me of the t.v. show Blossom. When it came to reading the "woah"(still mispelled, but i can translate easy enough) the only thing i could think of was Joey saying "whoa!" I believe you were going for "woe is me".

meadowlark 0

Haven't you ever seen the movie Just Friends? You can't ask a girl to lunch; that's the express lane to the friend zone. Now you know!