By lunarclaws - 11/09/2018 06:00 - Netherlands - Brielle

Today, I discovered my boyfriend enjoys anime, just like me. I discovered this when he said he wanted me to imitate and dress up as an underage character from his favourite anime next time we have sex. When I refused, he got upset and said he thought I would understand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 115
You deserved it 529

Top comments

Boyufd 24

I'm pretty sure that's a red flag

Which character, and have you dumped his pedo ass, yet?


Justin Allan Bannister 9

just roleplay.... like the catholic school girl thing....

HeadPercentage69 3

I have always been relatively against most anime out of the mainstream (mainstream being Naruto, maybe bleach.) This may sound prejudice, but the reason I am against it is because an ex girlfriend of mine liked anime so I gave some of her favorite ones a try because I felt like it was the open minded thing to do. From what I found, none of these were Lolli or Hentai, rather they were animes on netflix, but they still featured heavily sexualized yet under-aged females. My girlfriend would always say some shit like "Oh well that character is like 20" or something of the sort, to which my counterargument would be well then "why is the 20 year old playing with stuffed animals in a kids room while wearing a skimpy dress?"

WeirdUS 29

Age of consent in japan is different also the culture. A large amount of characters in jpn anime are under the age of 18 but for some reason are built like they are in their mid to late 20's if not older.

And there is some 6 years old characters who look like 3 years old ...

tounces7 27

Tough call. I mean an Anime character doesn't have an "Age". They're cartoons. And they're usually designed to be highly sexual in a way that would defy their dictated age in the show. So he isn't necessarily abnormal, just depends on circumstances.

As if you’re supposed to be his sex robot, built to please not matter what. 🙄