By mississippi123 - 06/08/2012 05:41 - United States - Fullerton

Today, I discovered how pathetically introverted I am when during a car ride with my family, I said, "I really like this song" and my parents gasped because they didn't realize I was in the back seat. And I'm their only child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 046
You deserved it 2 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Ninja in training...well done.

*gasp* I didn't know you were on FML! It's ok like to sleep if I'm not driving.


Ur parent should b aware of u more often

You're lucky they didn't pull into a walmart and go shopping for two hours while leaving you in the car.

HOTSHOT99999 2

That sucks next time tell them you're going with them. Im new to FML how do you comment on comments?

That's happened to me. But I was walking down the hall with my friends. Teachers have counted me absent even when I was there.

That's happened to me before. When I was younger and my mom was driving me to school, she would forget I was in the back seat and start driving to work. Happened more than once.

Pandamonia88 9

When I was small and my mother took me shopping she frequently freaked out and though I'd run off somewhere.. only to find me hiding in her shadow.

shootmymunky 4

That is hilarious, your parents must have over medicated themselves. Go find more friends and you will get rid of introvert personality

You can't "get rid" of intorversion, it's just a natural persuasion, and it's not even a particularly bad thing. In companies, the 3-5% most successful/highly paid are usually introverts, because we know how to be diplomatic, how to think before we speak, and how to keep quiet when it's necessary. OP just needs to be brought out of their shell a little, but that is not equivalent to becoming an extrovert. It's also not a personality trait as such, but an indication of how you process information and percieve the world.

Dallasluver19 14

Aw.. Your an only child? And your parents were surprised? Omg.

KiddNYC1O 20