By zappy - 11/10/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I decided to see if electric dog collars work on human necks. They do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 715
You deserved it 119 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course they work on human necks. And YDI for using a shock-collar. That's ******* cruel, now you know what your dog feels lik

Wait, OP. You mean to tell me that humans are capable of sustaining a current of electricity?! MADNESS.


Barking collars go off when they feel vibration from your voice box...why wouldn't it work on a human?...btw my dad did that when he was shit ydi.

today, you decided to be an idiot. FYL YDI

I hope you videotaped it - America's Funniest Home Videos tends to LOVE these experiments. If I recall correctly, one of them was a $100,000 finalist once. But seriously, if you wanted to know if they worked on humans, you could have read about how they worked, or...well, watched one of those clips. Repeating the test was...not the most logical course of action.

lol I've done that once. not that bad

did u ever watch fun with dick and Jane?????

I'm not saying all dogs are vicious ( I love dogs) but defenseless is not the correct term to use, most larger than medium dogs can kill humans