By Hairytoes - 07/10/2011 10:35 - United States

Today, I could actually feel my toe hairs flapping in the breeze. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 731
You deserved it 17 452

Same thing different taste


melonrind 8

They will wax them during a pedi for just a couple bucks....don't shave them! Toe hair stubble would be a bigger fml >.

texas_redneck88 10

No one wants hobbit feet, perhaps shave?

selahsmithereens 1

Don't shave! If it's blonde it's no problem, if it's dark then yes get rid of it with waxing!

musicalducky 21

It's sad sometimes how much people hate the natural state of their body. So what if you have hair? Ever consider it's natural? And saying you're a girl just brings up the whole sexism issue. So you've got hair. Deal with it. I don't read fml to hear about some whiny girls with hair.

This has happened to me. I never remember to shave my toes until they start to tickle me.