By sexyhobbit - 12/07/2014 00:26 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I confided to my boyfriend that I have a condition that causes me to grow thick toe hair. He now won't stop calling me "the sexy Hobbit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 809
You deserved it 7 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maggiefox 25
CurlyQute 17

Well at the very least you're sexy... He could have just called you "the Hobbit"


Sounds like your boyfriend is a pervy hobbit fancier.

So shave it. Its not rocket science.

Aww, come on, that's adorable. :) (Btw, I have hobbit feet too, like so many women, just use tweezers to get rid of the hair if it bothers you, and if it doesn't, well, good for you!)

wildsweetchild 19

Don't worry op, looks like he's actually ok with it and shows it by joking around ;)

Brody_Generico 7
FroggerForReal 11

I don't see anything wrong with that. That means he's cool with it and he still likes you a lot hence the first part of sexy hobbit. Consider yourself lucky OP