By olivia_stealth - 08/02/2009 23:50 - United States

Today, I changed the C on my report card into a B so that I wouldn't get in trouble with my parents. I spent the entire day perfecting the B's positioning and cut exactly around the edges of the size 10 font and sliced my finger in the process. Turns out, I'm still grounded for getting a B. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 372
You deserved it 40 352

olivia_stealth_fml tells us more.

olivia_stealth_fml 0

thanks for all your imput. for the record i am in GT and AP classes and my parents expect at least a 3.75 GPA ususally. i am still currently grounded, and won't be ungrounded until i recieve a 4.0 on my report card. WHICH is technically a 5.0 with AP credit. so do not criticize my "ambition or self respect", vm2012, because I guarentee I have a better transcript than you. kthanks to everyone else for your comments! <333

Top comments

Well I'm sure that "ugly ass nerd" with no life will be making more than Bill Gates while you're giving him a Big Mac and some fries.

Actually I'm not surprised that you're an AP and honor student. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in those classes are first rate geniuses. Well unless you take AP Physics, but that's a whole nightmare in itself.


Annies 17

I can relate so hard. My parents would literally ground me if I got less than a 100 on anything.