By jet8725 - 23/02/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I celebrated my birthday with my friend who has the same birthday by going out to dinner with a bunch of our friends. The waiter brought out a cake for my friend but not for me. No one noticed my exclusion. I sang happy birthday on my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 213
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your friend with the same birthday never said anything? I can see your birthday slipping your others friends' minds, it happens, but the girl who KNOWS you share a birthday and arranged for you to celebrate together? She sounds selfish. Get some better friends with more varied birthdays!

I'd have said "Gee thanks for the cake! Oh hey, where's yours, (name)?" But then, I can be a bitch when I want to.


Damn maybe u need to be more outgoing.. Dont be the quiet one that trys to stay out of the limelight.. Reminds me of my sister or mom

missvictory 6

Every year I sing Happy Birthday to my cousin (we have the same birthday, too), but you don't hear me complaining!

jesbar95 10

Stop being such a selfish bitch and let your friend enjoy her birthday.

You're a jerk. Of course the OP is going to be upset, they went out to celebrate BOTH OF THEIR birthdays and everyone ignore her! Being upset about being ignored is NOT selfish. Besides, OP DIDN'T say anything, so they DID just let the friend enjoy their birthday.

she's not being a self absorbed bitch, if all your friends totally ignored your birthday you'd be pissed as well! image just sitting there while she gets her cake, and everyones singing to her, when it's your birthday as well! f that

missvictory 6

It's the same thing with my cousin and I... The aunts and uncles we mutually have usually end up calling him first... But you just have to suck it up, I guess :/

Why didn't you speak up? It's really not cool to have to sing the song on your own birthday.

I have to share a birthday with my little brother and we're 3 years apart, so we always have to share a birthday. For my brother's 7th at home b-day party he got cupcakes, cookies, pizza, a happy b-day song, and a billion birthday presents. What did he get? A red 3Ds (which I was wanting), a cover for the 3Ds (that I paid for), and 3 3Ds game (that I also paid for), and some small things. What did I get for my 10th at home party 3 days later? A happy b-day song and my mom dully saying "Happy birthday". I was upset like any other 10 year old would be and my mom said to suck it up and I should be grateful that they do anything for me since I'm "too old for parties". I did not exaggerate at all. For my 12th birthday I wanted a Doctor Who birthday party but my mom said that that's "lame" and "Doctor Who is stupid" and she'd be surprised if anyone showed up. What kind of party that we had not discussed since that hurtful conversation? A bowling party shared with my brother. My mom said I would get a couple Doctor Who balloons and plates. What did I get? Purple and pink everything with butterflies on the pink and purple cupcakes. I got upset about it and when I told my mom that she said she would make it Doctor Who but she did the opposite she started screaming at me saying that I should of reminded her and she made me remake the cupcakes and decorations. There was also a lot more grounding. At my un-happy shared party who came? My brother's entire baseball team and his friends, AND their siblings. Who did my mom let me invite? 4 friends. I had to be nice to the 4 year old girl that was constantly throwing a fit since she was losing. I got in major trouble and I had to apologize to her. Many other problems came.

91hayek 31

Five years later and you make this FML about you lol man you whine a lot. Get a grip and get over yourself.

I was exaggerating, though, when I said "a billion presents"