By Ellencrazee - 13/08/2011 10:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home from holiday, only to find my house full of small decomposing animals, courtesy of my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 738
You deserved it 5 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's actually a sign that your cat loves and cares for you. He was just trying to provide you with food. He didn't know any better, he's just a cat.


She must of missed you alot! You should counted how many dead animals were in your house and figure out how many animals she killed each day you were gone. Cats do that as a present for your care so you must really take Care of her...

Btw, why are so many people freaking out about a cat being left alone? I understand a dog because they shit and piss outside but a cat only needs food and water and it's litter box... You can leave fore 2 weeks and not have to worry about them...

kaykay20 0

If it's small like most cat items are then it's not going to last two weeks. Besides your suppose to put new water at least every other day or else it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, dust, and hair. I feel bad for your pets. Lonely, starving and having to settle for bacteria infested water cause you didn't have the decency to care for them the way you should. Shame on you

This is why I don't have pets... But I still want one :L

Your cat must really love you. If only they showed their love by burrying their kills like they do their poop. And to those people making comments about food... Studies have shown that many cats still go hunting regardless of how much you feed them.

swizzle9162 5