By thank u usa - 13/12/2013 22:20 - Germany

Today, I came across a tourist in the street asking people for directions, but nobody understood him. I speak English, so I went to help the gentleman out. He said "Knock it off with the cheesy accent, pal" and informed me that my country is a shithole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 069
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weird_situations 13

Tell him to get the **** out of your country then!!


Der war wahrscheinlich sehr frustriert, weil er kein Deutsch konnte. Es tut mir leid, dass er ein Arschloch war.

If he was America I apologizes for his rudeness OP

kellyem2 20

And that's when he starts complaining that nobody will help him. Some people....

I sincerely apologize, I swear that not all of us Americans are like that.

I assure you that most of us would never do that. And I apologize on his behalf. And thank you for trying to help the asshat who didn't appreciate it.

JMichael 25

Them damn Americans. Always thinking their country is better.

Yell as loud as you can that he just insulted the local soccer team.

skittyskatbrat 19

Well, now you know why we kicked him out of the USA ;) Please, please do not send him back. Convince him that North Korea is lovely this time of year!

I like how you all assume the tourist was American because they were speaking English. You do know that the US isn't the only country with English as their primary language, right? Smdh...And WE are supposed to be the dumb ones lol.

Well, I guess everyone is just smart enough to read OP's name.