By thank u usa - 13/12/2013 22:20 - Germany

Today, I came across a tourist in the street asking people for directions, but nobody understood him. I speak English, so I went to help the gentleman out. He said "Knock it off with the cheesy accent, pal" and informed me that my country is a shithole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 068
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weird_situations 13

Tell him to get the **** out of your country then!!


I disagree! I know Germany is a great country. I would love to go back and visit. (Ohio)

Oh great. Another reason for people use the "clever" and "funny" Murica joke. Not all Americans are idiots but the ones who are make it pretty easy to spot them...

As an American, I'd like to say that we are not all as rude as that asshole, and I'm sorry that he had the audacity to speak to you like that.

Das tut mir Leid. Ich schreie für mein Land.

Some people are just rude. I've been to Germany and really enjoyed it. People should learn a bit of the language before they visit another country.

We aren't all like that, I swear. D8 I used to live in Germany and it's amazing!

He never said the guy was an American. There are assholes all over the globe. Regardless, he seems to be incredibly stupid in addition to being rude. He finally finds someone that speaks English and then he insults him before he can be helped.

But OP's username is "thank u usa". I'm guessing that the guy eventually told OP (or gave some other indication) that he was from the US.

I think if people travel, they should know the languages of the country they are traveling to.

In that case tourism income would fall phenomenally. Whether they like you or not, a country will be perfectly happy to take your money and send you on your way.

If you plan to visit a lot of countries, it would be nearly impossible to be very fluent in the languages of every country you will visit. But you should know at least some basic words and phrases to help you get around.

Sounds like someone didn't eat their cheerios today....