By Busted - 16/03/2010 18:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend since I believed him to be cheating on me with another woman, something he adamantly denied. I went to his house to get all my stuff back. After I left, I discovered a silk thong that definitely did not belong to me, in amongst my clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 482
You deserved it 4 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

well you suspected he was cheating, dumped him, and turned out to be totally right. it still hurts, but at least you have the satisfaction of getting rid of him, and now you won't second-guess your decision later on.

Yeah. I had a fish once. But my brother fed it green jello and it mutated into a giant zebra that could talk and shoot laser out of its hooves. Unfortunatly, it sounded like Nick Jonus, so we had to kill it with a ***** and throw its chastity ring into Mount Doom, so that never again would this spawn of Satan return. But it was not all a loss. We got to use the laser hooves to make a beer hat.


maybe he bought it for you... SURPRISE!

some_girl9 8

How is this an FML? Your suspicions were confirmed!

deaditegirl 0

That sucks, but on the plus side, you were right *and* you're no longer dating a cheater. Sure you'll feel shitty for a while, but overall I'd say this is a win.