By PinkTornado - 17/03/2009 14:20 - Canada

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. After three long weeks of him ignoring me and cancelling out on time we were supposed to spend with each other. He looked at me with the most confused look on his face. Then he says ''Are you serious? I was planning the perfect day to ask you to marry me'' FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 828
You deserved it 97 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch... how long were you together? Please tell me you didn't proceed with the breakup

I hope you work things out!!!!! This is the type of thing that would happen to me.


lol and after he says that you say: "NO silly I was kidding", stop then smile slighty and say "you want to marry me?****" It's not like it was too late to say you didn't understand what was going on so technically it's not that bad.

I agree with #113 and whoever else said it. If you communicate well enough with him then the problem should be solvable.

Excellent work on the communication there :P And they say only MEN are bad at it! Honestly, how much of the "weeks" of "ignoring" and "dodging" are exaggerations and you feeling insecure/need?

Awww. I hope you guys are still together :(

hmmm... first question to ask yourself would be -- How can you be with or have a relationship with a guy who ignores you for a month? Girl, being ''lenient'' is definitely NOT the key. You can't tolerate that kind of action when you are in a relationship with somebody. and it's not about being ''controlling'' either cuz that would just drive them away... but being ''in control'' -- you know what's going on with you and your man , and you MUST have communication EVERYDAY (not every now and then, there are no excuses!! Eventhough he's busy, he CAN still pick up the phone and call and check on you)... Communication is important to a committed relationship/marriage. 3 weeks or a month of preparing that surprise to propose to you? --- you have to think twice about that.

that734chic 0

he was probably lying just to make u feel bad

The guy was an idiot. Planning a big day could take that long, sure, but you don't forego all other contact with your significant other while you do it. Lack of communication never fails to wreck relationships. I'm surprised it took the girl this long to break it off; after a week of nothingness I'd have confronted him and then left depending on how it went from there.