By Mervin22 - 29/01/2011 04:10 - Australia

Today, I broke my arm. When I got home from the doctors with my cast, I fell asleep on the couch from the medicine. When I woke up, there were swastikas, "I love the KKK", and multiple penises written all over my cast. My dad thought it would be funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 348
You deserved it 4 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stacster 0

well grab a sharpie and start turning penises into space ships


the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) were a white supremesit group that plauged america (and some what still do) with their racist views and laws (that were abolished coz of martin luther king, nelson mandela, malcom x, rosa parks ect...) they hate black people, jews, gay people, latinos... anyone who aint white they used to actually kidnap and hang or lynch these people :/ so his dads joke just aint funny...

I agree, to the it's not funny part. Amen.

Just draw a pink My Little Pony on there. Now no one will take you seriously. Problem solved.

dude just get a bottle of axe spray and spray it on the cast just a littl bit and it bleeds the ink and whipe it with a paper towel o something

it is kinda funny...but not the dicks and swastikas, that's just stupid.

I_R_Genius 3

Wow, way to go sterotyping one country you dumbfuck. Other countries do the same thing dumbass. People like you I really want to kill for sterotyping one country.