By retyi43 - 24/03/2012 05:41 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, I bought medical gloves to protect my hands from various chemicals at work since I have eczema. I had an allergic reaction to the gloves, and now my eczema is even worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 946
You deserved it 2 846

retyi43 tells us more.

they were nitrile gloves, not latex

Top comments

I now know how to spell "eczema" Thanks OP!

Rubber is horrible for eczema. When I used to do the dishes I tried to wear rubber gloves because my eczema would cause the dish soap to crack my hands and make them bleed. But using the gloves instead just caused them to puff up and itch like hell, along with the pain from the eczema. I fell your pain. :( Try getting some cetaphil cream (think that is how its spelled). That is one of the few lotions I can use to help that I don't have an allergic reaction to.


KVKdragon 26

I got eczema too. My best recommendation is using a light steroidal cream on the the affected areas until the rashes go away. That's what I do everyday when I need to. Otherwise, I use this great moisturizer called Aquaphor on unaffected areas; it keeps the skin moist without being too greasy and smelly. Good luck OP. Eczema sucks, I know :(

I'm so sorry! I'm allergic to latex, it's awful. Good luck, I really hope that you will be able to get your eczema under control!

jellitonoctopus 19

I hate when that happens. I actually have to buy non latex gloves that costs more:/ eczema is a pain.

twifan1901 0

Eczema is a pain! I have it and wearing silver jewelry sets it off :(

Pebbles89 9

Isn't it funny how silver is supposed to be hypoallergenic?! I'm allergic to it too.

Please apply Norwegian Hand formula moisturizer !!!!

I have the same problem except I have to wear the gloves everyday my hands sometimes even get covered in sores, l find baby powder helps if you put it on before the gloves.

ruairiwright 0

I used to have egzema and i didnt wear gloves.

I don't believe that nitrile gloves are 'medical gloves'. Just sayin'. But that sucks man, hope your hands feel better soon..

MidnightLuna - I don't believe you're correct. Hospitals these days are generally stocking non-latex gloves since latex allergies seem to be much more common (or better recognised). The ones I buy for my office are nitrile.

I can empathize, OP - I have eczema too. Get a prescription for some extra-strength hydrocortisone and it should clear your skin right up. As for the gloves, I'm so sorry they made your skin worse, but at least now you know.

Pebbles89 9

Clobetastol Propionate helps a LOT. You need a prescription, but it helps calm the outbreak down.